What are the Lasers and cosmetic dermatological surgery for aging skin?

Physical modalities and many agents which are topical and been used along the years to give the appearance to the face a more youthful look. The goal has always been to consistently effective and rejuvenate the face while minimize the recovery time and complications of risk. Various lasers (pigmented lesion, vascular lesion,   resurfacing, and hair removal) botulin. A toxin, various dermal subcutaneous filler substances and chemical peels are there.

Dermatologic surgery deals with the treatment of medically necessary, diagnosis and cosmetic conditions of the nails, hair, skin, veins, mucous membranes and tissues are adjacent by various, reconstructive, surgical non-surgical methods and cosmetic. The surgery purpose is to which dermatologic is to repair the skin intentionally.

Non-Invasive Services- energy-based devices and Lasers, Microdermabrasion

Injectable- By these we can be eliminate wrinkles and Excessive underarm sweating

Laser Treatments- Skin discolorations, wrinkles and fine lines, and photo damage

V Beam - The V Beam  is a laser dye, which means that the energy of  laser dye is used to laser beams generate of different colors and  is delivered in pulses

IPL- An IPL photo facial can be used high-energy light to penetrate your subsurface layers and the skin

Quadra LASE- The Quadra LASE is an cutting out and CO2 laser for rejuvenation of skin and treatment of scars, wrinkles, xanthelasma, rhinophyma and other conditions.

Alex Tri vantage- This Q-switched laser is a effective and safe treatment for brown pigmented lesions like freckles, sun spots, macules, and unwanted dark tattoos

Fraxel Dual- The Fraxel Dual is a fractional thulium non-ablative laser that is used to provide an overall and improve fine lines, scars, sun spots, acne,  discoloration, photo damage, skin tone and texture, and surgical scars global rejuvenation, by encouraging new collagen growth. it only treats a fraction of the skin, due to its it’s fractional, leaves the tissue which is in intact surrounding  the skin, which leads to healing times are fast.

INFINI- Micro needling with Radio frequency- radio frequency and micro needling simultaneously to encourage collagen growth

ELITE+ Laser Hair Removal

Visit tanning salons and do not sunbathe.

                    Reduce your exposure to the sun

                    Wear protection clothes while going outside.

                    Put sunscreen before getting step outside.

                    Hydraulic acid should be used for the skin for treatment of face lines.

                    So, skin and body care must be taken as well with the treatments.


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